Friday, January 18, 2013

Rack Pulls

Gripping the bar so hard your hands go numb. 
Knowing there’s more weight on the bar
than you can physically pull from the floor. 
Tensing every stinkin muscle in your body. 
Pulling for an eternity before the bar even budges. 
Going deep into your soul to find what your really made of 
while your body shakes uncontrollably. 
Seeing stars and beautiful darkness. 
Sounds of the gym fade away. 
Standing erect with 345lbs.

I love rack pulls.


Friday, October 26, 2012

AMRAP has new meaning

Today's workout was done in a stream of madness. Everyone getting it in before we closed early to prepare for tomorrow's meet. all the platforms were taken. So I shared one with my friend. It was deadlift day. Week 5.

1) Deadlifts
135 x 8, 5
185 x 5
205 x 3
215 x 1
working sets 80% + 5lbs
230 x 4 sets of 3


230 x AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

7 :)   (I never thought it was possible) My friend gave me good tips and a good strategy.

2) DB Lunges
20's x 25, 15, 10 each leg

3) Band GM's AMRAP
25, 26

4) Fed squirrels with my other friend.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Light Squat Day

Squats 80%
bar x 8
95 x 8
125 x 5
145 x 5 x 3
well I missed the last rep of the last set. Lost my focus, then my balance. So I did another set and got them.

Good Mornings
125 x 5,5,4


Monday, October 22, 2012

Push/Pull Short/Sweet

Bench day which was 70% x 35 reps, supersetted with bentover BB rows.

1a) Bench
bar x 2 x 8
70 x 3 x 10, 5
1st rep of each set paused.

1b) BO BB Rows
65 x 4 x 10

2) DB Bench
25's x 10
30's x 2 x 10

3) BB Curls
35 x 12, 10, 9, 8

someone actually came up to me and said "Hey Christine, I never saw you do curls before".....I'm calling it a compliment :)

Sprints with sled +45lbs  for 5 minutes


Friday, October 19, 2012


ok I will post my workouts again. for a while. Did I even post about my meet last month? probably not. Wasn't eventful except I got to use my new map app to get there. I was one of 6 lifters. Not sure if thats even a meet. I figured I would be needed to work at our October meet so this would be my only chance to compete. So I stayed. and competed against 5 guys and one gal.   I went by myself because everyone was busy that day. Since there were so few people lifting, the time between attempts was literally minutes. But even with no recovery time I still managed my 100 bench and a 270 deadlift. Missed both 3rd attempts. Got best lifter. Nothin much to write home about.

So in need of a new direction and new plan, my friend Phil sent me a very cool 9 week program. I am in week 4 already. and I love it. I have a bench day, overhead press day, squat day and deadlift day. I spent the first 3 weeks doing deficit deads and today was my first regular deadlift day.

1) Deadlifts
135 x 8, 5
185 x 5
205 x 3
working sets 80%
225 x 4 sets of 3
225 x as many reps as possible 5 :)
I always get mad when the weight feels heavy. and barely got the 4 sets of 3 in and thought no way was I getting more than 1 rep in for the 5th set. But after 3 I just dove into the darkness and pulled 2 more. It was an awesome close to death experience.

2) Farmer walks one sided with DB
60 x 3 trips each side

3) SLDL's 40% as many reps as possible
115 x 19

4) DB lunges 100 reps
20lbers x 50 each non stop. I went into a different kind of darkness.

Great workout :)


Friday, August 31, 2012

to post...or not to post...

I was told I shouldn't post my workouts anymore. and I was told by someone else, "why the hell not? It's something you are passionate about." So, if people don't want to read them, then don't. But I like keeping a journal of my training. And I am training. maybe for my last meet for a while. Its been hard getting my workouts in with my massage appointments and working at the gym. And I need to concentrate, and put first, my new business.  Maybe if I were 20 years

Anyway, I always look for new programs to get me stronger. I really liked the Smolov Jr. program but I think I pushed it to the limit and failed on my last round, so I stopped. I'm 22 days out from my meet so I think I just need to get the work in, keep things light since there's no time to get strong. Work on form and get my confidence back up.

So today was a bench day I guess.

1) Bench
bar x 8
65 x 8
75 x 5 x 5

2) Close grip bench
65 x 3 x 10

3) Hammer strength incline bench
+30 x 3 x 8

and thats it. I workout at night now. I kinda like it because there are lots of nice people there. but its tiring too. Sometimes I get to divide my workouts between appointments which works too. I really just have 2 more weeks of getting the work in before my meet and then I can figure out a new schedule.

hope I haven't bored anyone :)


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wise Words

Who's black, tall, a little grumpy, with 50 gold earrings in one ear? My friend. and this is what he said:

"Christene. You're thinking too much about this meet. Stop thinking about the lifts. You aleady know what the weight feels like. You know what the bar feels like in your hands. You know your body is ready to lift anything you attempt. There's no one in your weight class so its just you against you. But you are your worse enemy. Just think about the damn pizza. and have fun."

